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Neem leaves The world’s best pesticide and fertilizer

Neem leaves The world’s best pesticide and fertilizer

Many types of pesticides are available in the market to improve gardening, to prevent pests and to make the plant disease resistant. But hundreds of studies conducted across the world have made it clear that there is no better alternative than neem for biopesticides and disease control.This is why Neem leaves the world’s best pesticide and fertilizer.

Well, Neem has been used on a large scale in India. Neem leaves, bark, fruits, roots etc. have been used in making beauty products and in Ayurveda. This plant is also a boon for other plants. Its use is increasing in gardening and agriculture sector. It works as the world’s best insecticide, fertilizer, mulching. 

Eliminate pests from the garden

Neem can be used as an excellent insecticide in the garden. It eliminates nematodes and fungi from the garden. The special thing about neem is that instead of killing insects quickly, it drives them away from the garden. Due to its use in the garden, insects are unable to eat the leaves. The use of neem prevents the growth and reproduction of insects. The element Azadirachtin found in neem works as a panacea for caterpillars, thrips and whiteflies. By using neem leaf compost or spraying neem, no harmful insect can enter the garden. The special thing is that it is not harmful for friendly insects. 

How to use Neem in the garden

Neem leaf spray

If there is a neem tree in your garden or around your house, then nothing can be better and cheaper than this. You have to bring some neem leaves. Keep these leaves in water. Or boil the leaves. After the water cools down, spray it in the garden. This is an excellent insecticide. 

Neem leaves fertilizer

It is easy to make compost from neem leaves. You can add neem leaves to your kitchen compost, green compost or cow dung manure. This will make the soil even more beneficial. It can be used as organic fertilizer. You can also mix dry leaves in the soil. 

Mulching neem leaves

Gardening expert Padmini says that in the summer season, we do mulching to maintain moisture in the plants and protect them from the scorching sun. We use plastic sheets, newspapers, rice husk etc. as mulching. Instead of this, we can use neem leaves. It will decompose slowly in the soil. It will work as an insecticide. It will maintain moisture. By making a layer of neem leaves in the soil, moisture can be maintained for a long time. 

Use of neem oil

These days the use of neem oil has increased. It is easily available in the market. It is used as an insecticide. By adding a few drops of it in water and spraying it, bugs and other insects run away. It increases the shine on the leaves. 

How to get neem leaves

Gardening expert Padmini Pandey says that if you do not have a neem tree in your house, then there is nothing to worry about. For this, go to any park near you. You will definitely find a neem tree there. Neem has deciduous leaves from February to March. Neem sheds its leaves. This is the right time when you should collect its leaves. You can collect the leaves in the garden with someone’s help or without any hesitation. Use them throughout the year. 


Neem leaves The world’s best pesticide and fertilizer
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