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Herbal Plant – Everyone Should Grow in Home

Herbal plant Everyone should grow in Home

Herbal plants- If some plants are at home, then treatment of diseases is possible. You may not be fond of gardening, but you must plant some plants at home. Nature has given us many such plants as a gift, which cure many diseases. If you like gardening, then definitely make a corner for herb plants. Even if you are not fond of gardening, you must plant some plants in a corner of the house. In today’s article, we are going to tell you about some herbal plants. These herbal plants are very beneficial for health. 

These herbal plants must be present in the house

Medicinal plants are very important. They provide a solution to many diseases. You are thinking that we will tell you about aloe vera and basil, but it is not so. You must have planted these plants in your house even before we told you. Today we will tell you about some special herbal plants . These plants are also used in the kitchen as whole spices. These plants also have medicinal importance. 

Insulin plant

Herbal plant Insulin
Herbal plant Insulin

This plant is no less than a boon for sugar patients. You must plant it in your garden. It is called Coaster Pictus. Talking about the taste of its leaves, it is slightly sour. Its other names are crepe ginger, Kemuk, Kue, Kikand, Kumul, Pakarmula and Pushkarmula. You must plant  the insulin plant in your garden.

Method of growing Insulin

  • You can grow it from seed or tuber. 
  • Grows best in temperatures between 20°C and 30°C.
  • It grows in any type of soil. 
  • Plant it in sandy, loamy, well-drained soil.
  • Add cow dung manure and vermicompost. 
  • Avoid waterlogging, but keep the soil moist. 


Lemongrass doubles the taste of tea. It is used in making tea in most homes. Blood circulation and metabolism can also be improved with lemongrass. It also increases digestive power. Lemongrass has great medicinal importance. You can easily plant it in the garden. 

Method of growing Lemongrass

  1. This plant cannot tolerate cold.
  2. It grows easily in summer. 
  3. It can be grown from seed or seedlings. 
  4. The pH value of the soil should be 6.0-6.5.
  5. It grows in sandy and loamy soil.
  6. It requires sunlight.

Stone slab

This plant is full of medicinal properties. As its name suggests, it is the best medicine for treating stones. It is known by different names. You can easily plant it at home. It is a plant that spreads on its own. It is also planted as a decorative plant. 

Method of growing Stone slab

  • You can grow from seed or plant. 
  • Stonecrop requires loose and well-drained soil.
  • It grows well in sandy-loam soil.
  • Soil pH value should be 6.0-6.5.
  • Give it less water otherwise the roots will rot.
  • This plant is not affected by insects. 


Lavender is a very fragrant plant. It keeps flies and mosquitoes away from the house. This plant also has a lot of medicinal importance. You can plant it in a small space. Plant it outside or inside the house. Its fragrance reduces stress. Plant this plant to make the surrounding environment pleasant. It also drives away flies and mosquitoes.

Method of growing Lavender

  • It can be planted through seeds and plants. 
  • It grows in hot weather. 
  • It likes slightly alkaline soil, with a pH level of 6.5-7.5.
  • Use organic fertilizer in this. 
  • Water the plant when the moisture dries up. 
  • Its roots may rot due to excess water; insects do not attack it.
  • It grows in any soil. 

Mountain Garlic

Hill garlic is also full of medicinal properties. Its size is small and it is dark in colour. Apart from giving relief from cold and cough, it strengthens the bones. You must plant it in the garden. It grows easily. It is also called elephant garlic. It is very tasty and delicious.

How to plant Mountain garlic

Mountain Garlic

  1. It likes the cold. 
  2. You should plant it in the beginning of spring or last of winter. 
  3. It will grow in sandy loam soil.
  4. Grows from garlic cloves. 
  5. Show it sunlight for 4 hours.

Other Herbal Plants

  • Basil
  • Aloe Vera
  • Thyme
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Coriander
  • Chamomile
  • Celery
  • Turmeric 
  • Ginger

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