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This is the main reason for the leaves of plants turning yellow, know the remedy

This is the main reason for the leaves of plants turning yellow, know the remedy

Leaves Turn Yellow : Yellowing of leaves of plants in the garden is a common problem. But this is a serious warning being given by the plants. Yellowing of leaves is a big message from the plants that they are near death. Yellowing of leaves is a signal from them when that plant needs to be looked at seriously. This is the main reason for the leaves of plants turning yellow, know the remedy.

Although many people believe that if the leaf is turning yellow, it means that the leaf has become old. Therefore the plant is discarding it. But this is not always the case. You have to listen to the call of the plants. In this article, we will tell you the reason for the yellowing of the leaves. Along with this, we will also tell its solution so that the plants can be saved from dying. 

Why do the leaves of plants turn yellow?

There are many reasons for yellowing of leaves. But before that we need to understand chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is responsible for the green color in plants. Chlorophyll is a chemical molecule which is proteinaceous. In its center there is a magnesium atom surrounded by nitrogen. As soon as there is a lack of chlorophyll in the plant, the leaves start changing color. There can be many reasons behind the yellowing of leaves of plants. 

Will consider these reasons


Water is very important in the life of plants. But sometimes due to ignorance, people consider watering the plants all the time as the best option. They think that by watering them continuously, their garden will remain green. But this is not so. 70% of the plants die due to excess water. In simple words, due to excess watering, the roots start rotting. Due to the soil being wet all the time, the roots are unable to breathe. They are unable to deliver the necessary nutrients to the plant. As a result, the leaves start turning yellow. The problem of yellowing of leaves of Jade Plant and Aparajita Plant is the most common.

Less watering

Leaves start turning yellow due to lack of water. If you do not water the plants, the hair on the roots start dying. In the absence of moisture, they are unable to deliver nutrients from the soil to the plant. However, if the problem of lack of water is identified in time, the plant can come alive again. On the other hand, if excess water is given and the roots rot, then it can be quite difficult. 

Deficiency of nutrients

Nutrients are the basis of life for plants. Generally, plants need at least nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Keep in mind that whenever you bring a plant from the nursery, it is completely green. Because it was being given nutrients there. Attention was being paid to its growth. But as soon as you bring the plant home, you stop worrying about it. In this situation, you should fulfill the deficiency of nutrients. You can put NPK in the plants. To fulfill the deficiency of nitrogen and magnesium, use cow dung manure, tea leaves, kitchen compost. 

How to identify which nutritional element is lacking?

  1. When there is a deficiency of nitrogen, the leaves near the stem first start turning yellow. 
  2. When there is a deficiency of sulfur, the new leaves of the plant are affected. First, the new leaves turn yellow.
  3. When there is a deficiency of potassium, the edges of the leaves turn yellow. The middle part of the leaf remains green. 
  4. Due to magnesium deficiency , the middle part of the leaf starts turning yellow first.
  5. Due to iron deficiency , yellowing starts from the highest leaves of the plant.

Deteriorating soil pH

If you want to do gardening, then you have to understand the pH of the soil. When the pH deteriorates, it becomes difficult for the plant to survive. Because in this situation, no matter how much fertilizer you give to the plants, the plant is unable to absorb this nutrition and the leaves turn yellow. The plant dies. 

So, This is the main reason for the leaves of plants turning yellow


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