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Don’t make this mistake after bringing a plant from the nursery

Don’t make this mistake after bringing a plant from the nursery

 Gardening is becoming everyone’s favourite. Nowadays people are gardening in full swing in small apartments, balconies and terraces. The hobby of gardening is increasing in cities. People are taking out some time from their busy routine for peace. The hobby of gardening gives you happiness. The more you experience it, the better it will make you feel. 

Gardening also requires hard work. You should have knowledge about plants.So Don’t make this mistake after bringing a plant from the nursery You can grow many vegetables and fruits at home in an organic way. Instead of eating chemical-rich things, it is better to buy some plants from the nursery and plant them at home. In this article, we will know what mistakes you should not make after buying a plant from the nursery.

Do not make these mistakes after buying a plant from nursery

Don't make this mistake after bringing a plant from the nursery

Many times you must have noticed that the plant looks very beautiful in the nursery. This plant is very green, but as soon as it is brought home, it gets spoiled. If you are buying a plant from the nursery, then you have to take some precautions. First of all, let us know what precautions should be taken while buying a plant from the nursery.

Keep these things in mind while buying plants from nursery

  1. You want to buy a healthy plant.
  2. Buy a plant that is growing well.
  3. The plant you are purchasing should have new leaves.
  4. Try to find out from the stem of the plant how old it is.
  5. If you are buying a fruit plant, buy grafted one.
  6. You always have to choose a good quality.
  7. Get tips regarding soil and care of the plant from the nursery owner.

Don’t make this mistake after buying a plant from a nursery

Do not plant the plant as soon as you bring it home

Many people buy a plant from the nursery and plant it immediately. You have to avoid doing this. Do not prepare to plant the plant immediately. By doing this, the plant may die. You have to give the plant a few days to acclimatize. When the plant acclimatizes to the environment, then plant it.

Just like humans take time to adjust to the new environment, the same happens with plants. Keep the plant with other plants for a few days. If you bring it from the nursery and plant it in a pot immediately, then there are high chances of it dying. You have to keep the new plant among the old plants.

Do not move the roots of the plant

After buying a plant from the nursery , when you plant it, you have to take these precautions. Cut the plastic cover of the plant properly from both the sides. Now place it in the pot without disturbing its roots. Most people make this mistake. Tampering with the roots of the plant can prove to be costly.

Do not overwater

You should not give too much water to the plant. Your plant may wilt for some time. It takes time to adjust to the environment. This does not mean that it is demanding more water. You have to water it as per the requirement. Neither give too much nor too little water. Avoid overwatering , but maintain moisture.

Make good potting mix ready

Before planting the plant, keep the soil in the sun for a day or two. After that, add coco peat , vermiculite or perlite, cow dung manure or vermicompost, sand, neem cake etc. to it. After the soil is ready, fill it in the pot and separate the plant from the plastic cover and shift it in it without shaking the roots. After that, water the plant well.

Protect plants from pests

Many times the plant gets attacked by insects. Ants also damage your plant. For this you can adopt homemade remedies . You can spray neem oil. Mix baking soda in water and spray it. Spray pesticide on the plant. Monitor the plant to protect it from diseases and insects. Keep in mind that there should be no insects on the plants around the place where you are keeping it. 



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