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These indigenous methods will attract birds to the garden and their chirping will resonate

These Indigenous methods will attract birds to the garden and their chirping will resonate

These Indigenous methods will attract birds to the garden and their chirping will resonate

Birds to garden : Who doesn’t like the chirping of birds in the garden? To support the birds, we put bird feeders in our garden, keep water for them to drink, and also make beautiful bird houses with our own hands. But despite these efforts, if the birds don’t come to the garden, we feel disappointed. This means that apart from food, water and shelter, birds need some other things.So These Indigenous methods will attract birds to the garden and their chirping will resonate

Today in this article we will tell you how you can attract birds to your garden. Even before reading the article, you will feel that many birds are sitting on the branches of your beautiful garden. They are chirping. They wait to come to your garden in the morning and evening.

Keep natural food for birds in the garden

No one used to go to put grains for the birds in the jungles. In such a situation, we should think about how they eat food naturally. Actually, the birds coming to the garden fill their stomach with flower seeds, fruit seeds, insects. In such a situation, we need to plant some such plants in our garden which can fill their stomach.

  • If you grow sunflowers , birds can be expected to come soon because they like its seeds very much. The color of sunflowers attracts birds. 
  • Lavender is also a fragrant plant. It attracts birds. 
  • Cosmos is easy to grow in the garden. It should be planted in your garden. It attracts birds. 
  • Birds like to eat the seeds of Zinnia . The colorful flowers also look good in the garden.
  • Birds like to eat  the jamun fruit. It can be planted in a pot.
  • Plant pomegranate plants in the garden. Birds are attracted by its fruits.
  • Marigold is the easiest plant to grow in the garden. Pollinators and birds are attracted to it.

 Keep some seeds along with the grains

Most people keep grains in the garden for birds. But they also need additional nutrition to survive. In such a situation, along with grains, pulses, seeds of fruits and flowers should also be kept in your garden. 

Choosing a good feeder for birds in the garden

Great tit and blue tit eating peanuts on a feeder in garden

We need to choose a good feeder for our garden. Some people just put grains in a bowl or plate. Squirrels or other big birds eat these grains, due to which the birds are unable to get food. Bird tables, hanging feeders, mealworm feeders, suet feeders, ground feeders, window feeders are available in the market, choose the right feeder according to your convenience. 

keep food in the right place

Change water for birds to graden

You have to be sensible while placing the food for the birds. Always keep the feeder in a place where predators (cats, dogs) cannot attack the birds. We have to keep them in a place away from the reach of dogs and cats and in an easily visible place. 

Change water every day

Water is one of the main needs of birds. We should keep water for birds in every season, be it winter or summer. Most of the time we keep water and forget about it. Water dries up due to sunlight. Birds have to remain thirsty, so they make a nest in another place for water. So, make it a habit to keep water every day.

All These Indigenous methods will attract birds to the garden and their chirping will resonate.


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